Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's official, Bai and I have decided to run a marathon!  Now I know people do this all the time, and you might ask why in the world we are blogging about it, and the answer is pretty simple... we like the attention!  Haha just kidding :P, we are using the blog to help hold us accountable and help us track our progress.

We are registered for the Birch Bay Marathon on February 17th, and have 91 days to whip our butts into shape.  We have both realized that working out has not been a priority since we graduated and entered the "real world," especially because after a long day at work, we have little energy and motivation to do so.  But now, we have something to work for and challenge ourselves.  We both have our own personal goals and although 91 days may seem a bit short, I know we can accomplish them if we remain dedicated!

Bai and I have the best coaches in town, Cam and Becca, and we have followed their advice in running 4 miles each day this past week.  As we enter the second week, we are planning on running 4 and 5 miles, alternating each day.  

Today was a bit rough, seeing as neither of us could motivate ourselves to run.  I cleaned and baked a cake instead, while Bai spent her day at a museum.  BUT, we will get back on track tomorrow =)

the beginning

How it all started...4 years ago